
Oral sedation


HALCION should not be mixed with certain other drugs such as sedatives or alcohol. do not take this drug with Erythromycin based antibiotic or grapefruit juice (or products that contain grapefruit).You should not take Halcion if you have liver or kidney disease, if you are pregnant or breast feeding, or if you have an allergy or are hypersensitive to benzodiazepines. please check with your opthamologist before taking Halcion if you have glaucoma.


Eating and Drinking it is extremely important that patients have an empty stomach prior to oral sedation. For this reason, you are not to have anything to eat or drink for six (6) hours prior to your scheduled appointment. if you have a morning appointment, don't eat or drink anything after midnight.

Change in Health especially the development of a cold or fever, is extremely important. Please notify Dr. Kondos's staff if you are not feeling well. We will be happy to reschedule your appointment to a future date.

Medications should be taken as scheduled with a sip of water unless otherwise directed by Dr. Kondos. Please inform the doctor of All medications you are currently taking and have taken within the last 2 weeks.

Designated driver  A responsible adult(18 and over) must accompany any patients to the office and remain there during the procedure.

After oral sedation

Pain or Fever Drugs such as Tylenol, Advil, or Motrin are usually effective for mild pain and fever that may follow your surgery and anesthesia. if you have any concerns, call Dr. Ted Kondos.

Nausea and Vomiting Although nausea and vomiting does sometimes occur after anesthesia, is is usually limited to 1 or 2 episodes. if this condition persists, you may need a prescription medication. Please do not hesitate to call Dr. Kondos if you think that you need medication for this condition.

 Instructions For Adult Accompanying the Oral Sedation Patient

  1. Do not leave patient alone for at least 4 hours following the appointment. Check on him/her often if he/she falls asleep or takes a nap. Especially in the car, assure that the patients head is positioned so that he/she can breathe easily.
  2. The sedative and other prescribed medications may cause drowsiness, lack of awareness, and coordination, and impair decision-making skills. These effects may also be intensified by the use of alcohol, tranquilizers, sedatives, or other drugs. Do not allow the patient to operate any vehicle or hazardous device until completely recovered from the effects of medications.